Thursday, March 8, 2012


There are commercials we hate.  Some I hate so much that I refuse to go to that store, establishment, restaurant EVER just because I hate their commercials.  I think this mostly happens with commercials who have dumb people in them.  I take them to mean that dumb people go to their stores, etc.  And I'm afraid someone might see me going in them and say behind their hand to their BFF, "Look how dumb she is, she goes to the dumb peoples store!"

Right.  So an example:

SONIC:  A man (I base that on short hair and the type of his shirt, not on what I would deem manly qualities) is insulting the woman in the car with him with comments of how studly he is and how people think her sweater looks like something his mother would wear and thus no one would ever think the two of them were "together".  There's more, but I have no interest in repeating it.  But I do say, "DON'T eat at Sonic.  EVER."  I don't care that they no longer are running that commercial.  If they think we are dumb enough to eat at their fast food place by watching a commercial like that, then we prove them right!

So what kind of commercials are acceptable?  Ones with kitties and babies and nice and kind people.  Like Dari-Queen.  How can you resist a grown man blowing bubbles with kittens in them?  And then he catches them so they can't get hurt when the bubble bursts.  Really cute kittens.  The fact that I LOVE Heath Bar Blizzards has nothing to do with me checking online to see what time they close. (It's early, so be aware.)

I have more, I may or may not follow in this vein on the next post.  But I definitely would like to have anyone share their favorite and/or hateable commercials.

I know this puts a lot of pressure on the four of you out there. But I'm counting on you.  I have seven sisters and not one of them is following me.  Isn't that beyond sad?

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