My Buzz Lightyear fan is nothing if not eclectic in his interests. To know him is to know Toy Story first of all. Recently he has developed a taste for trains, (Did you know that trains go TOO, TOO?) this may or may not have anything to do with the opening scene from Toy Story 3. Check it out, you'll see what I mean. However, I might say he has an obsession, or is that too strong a word for an almost two year old? Well this one will talk your ear off about trash. Yes, Trash. Interestingly enough, just about the only thing he has to say about trash is...well...trash. He will talk to just about anyone about trash. If you walk down the street you will be notified of every single trash can, trash bin, recycling bin, if it holds refuse, he will tell you it's trash. He stopped our neighbor not too long ago and captivated Mace with this conversation: Trash (pointing to a trash can) oh trash, trash, trash, trash......voice lowering and rising to fit the severity of the trash situation, shaking his head about the condition of trash today... you get the drift. If you know Mace, ask him, he'll tell you.
The other day I went to his house to pick him up and he came running out as I pulled up, SO excited! Mmmm...What I didn't notice was the trash truck across the street had also just pulled up. Go with the flow Gran! So we held hands and crossed the street and got a close up and personal look at a trash can being pullied up and over, dumping it's contents into the beast. Jiro could barely contain himself, "TRASH!!!", he yelled at the top of his lungs. The "TrashMan" rolled his window down and I introduced Jiro and pointed out his interest in trash. The trashman gave him some tips on what courses to take at (community) college to be sure to be prepared for the world of refuse. By then Jiro was more comfortable and began to point out all the trash cans in the neighborhood..Trash, Trash, Trash.. at which point I reminded Jiro that the man had to go get the rest of the trash. Mr. Trashman was a real trooper and kindly thanked Jiro for his help. He said because of Jiro he would likely not forget anybody on the street that day. I thought that they would probably have their trash collected twice. We stood and watched him drive on down the street and thoughtfully crossed back over to my car, waving good bye to the back of the truck. I piled Jiro into his car seat, buckled him in and turned to get in on my side of the car, but it seemed Jiro had one more thing to say...Trash...
PS, Yes, Jiro loves to put trash in the trash bins or baskets around the house. He gets quite offended if I do not let him dispose of his own diaper. And last week, he decided he would "help" Gran take the big kitchen trash bag out. I am wondering how I will hold him up so that he can pull or push the trash cans to the street effectively, I know it's coming...
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