Originally this blog was to be about my grandson, Jiro. He wasn't even born at the time. Then I promptly forgot where I put this blog. So I posted stuff everywhere, but now I would like it all in one spot. In the meantime, I have two more grandsons. Anyone reading this blog will surely get to know them, as well as bits and pieces I feel obligated to put to "paper".
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Lizard Lips and Kitty Hips
My cat, Jellie, follows me every morning until I feed her. It is dangerous with cat feet and tails underfoot and on stairs. So I yell and complain to no avail. A week ago Jiro spent the night and unknowingly added to the circus in my small kitchen. When I told them both to go, he took matters into his own hands: pointed his finger seriously at the cat and said, "Jewwie, SIT!" Jellie looked at me, put her hands on her hips and said, "How long do I have to put up with this?" It's a mad world.
A good way to spend a not very good day
Had my Jiro today. Wasn't feeling so well, but he just played along. We holed up in my room for a bit, I had Toy Story going (surprise!), laid on the bed and read stories and said uh huh to his running commentary. He climbed off and on the bed to give me kisses or to cuddle and then jumped up again to play with the upstairs toys that he doesn't get to play with that often. We went back downstairs and played puzzles and made up some games. I told him he had stinky feet so he insisted on smelling the wood puzzle pieces before he placed them in their spots, with the oh so disgusted face for smelly things. I'm not sure of the reasoning, but hey, it was fun. Watched Wheel (he repeated every letter, educational!) and Jeopardy. He claps voraciously and yells YAY when he hears the canned applause of the game shows. Such a good sport, I tell him. Had soup and biscuits and grapes and blueberries and laughed at Jellie snoring. Daddy came and got him and now I want him back. He is a truly beautiful, wonderful, loving, hilarious person.
Peace on Earth
Eli's latest picture got me thinking about Peace on Earth. When my children were small they would get so excited around the time of our anniversary and ask me what I wanted for a gift. I would always say, "Peace on Earth", to which they would cry, "For real, Mom, what do you want?" I would then sigh heavily and say that I wanted my own apartment, which went over just as well. Finally I said, "For really and truly, I want something I don't have to dust!" So if they listened and I was lucky, I got my favorite perfume or a gift certificate for a manicure, if not, I was luckier still and got little ceramic kitties. Which I had to dust, but not very often. When I saw this pic of Eli, it got me thinking of the peace on earth days and I thought, what if:
What if for just one minute the whole entire world held it's breath?
Peace on Earth for one minute; no
dying or
crying or
Peace on Earth and this is what it would look like...
Keen Sheeps
Yesterday Jiro and I changed the bedding on my bed. As he put it we put "Keen sheeps" on the bed. The highlight of this exercise was fluffing the pillows. Once he saw me "fluffing" pillows, he hoarded the rest of them and beat the tar out of them. I have what I call "Time in a bottle" moments, and this was one. I was on one side of the bed, Jiro was on the other, he was looking up at me with a look on his face that said,"I'm doing a good job!". It must be one of the most beautiful looks I have seen on any face. I said, "Jiro, you are doing a great job."
How you know...
How you know you're doing good.
One day I walked past Amber's bedroom door and overheard her talking to her favorite baby, April Rose. Apparently, April Rose had misbehaved and was being corrected. I don't remember the exact words after all these years, but something on the order of " It's ok April Rose, everybody makes mistakes, I know you didn't mean it." She hugged her baby and loved her and didn't make her cry.
Yesterday, Jiro was playing with some toys on my bed while I was doing something on the computer when I heard him singing a vaguely familiar tune. I turned slowly to watch him without disturbing him and saw that he was rocking Buzz and as I listened I recognized the tune (the phrasing here is very interpretive):
The words were:
Huss eyo baby, no tay erd, by oo bird...
The tune was:
Hush little baby, don't say a word,
Grandma's going to buy you a mockingbird.
I have been singing that song to him since he was born. We don't even have it on cd. I turned my head and cried, just like that day with Amber. I knew I had done good.
I have known the silence of the stars and of the sea,
And the silence of the city when it pauses,
And the silence of a man and a maid,
And the silence of the sick
When their eyes roam about the room.
And I ask: For the depths,
Of what use is language?
A beast of the field moans a few times
When death takes its young.
And we are voiceless in the presence of realities --
We cannot speak.
A curious boy asks an old soldier
Sitting in front of the grocery store,
"How did you lose your leg?"
And the old soldier is struck with silence,
Or his mind flies away
Because he cannot concentrate it on Gettysburg.
It comes back jocosely
And he says, "A bear bit it off."
And the boy wonders, while the old soldier
Dumbly, feebly lives over
The flashes of guns, the thunder of cannon,
The shrieks of the slain,
And himself lying on the ground,
And the hospital surgeons, the knives,
And the long days in bed.
But if he could describe it all
He would be an artist.
But if he were an artist there would be deeper wounds
Which he could not describe.
There is the silence of a great hatred,
And the silence of a great love,
And the silence of an embittered friendship.
There is the silence of a spiritual crisis,
Through which your soul, exquisitely tortured,
Comes with visions not to be uttered
Into a realm of higher life.
There is the silence of defeat.
There is the silence of those unjustly punished;
And the silence of the dying whose hand
Suddenly grips yours.
There is the silence between father and son,
When the father cannot explain his life,
Even though he be misunderstood for it.
There is the silence that comes between husband and wife.
There is the silence of those who have failed;
And the vast silence that covers
Broken nations and vanquished leaders.
There is the silence of Lincoln,
Thinking of the poverty of his youth.
And the silence of Napoleon
After Waterloo.
And the silence of Jeanne d'Arc
Saying amid the flames, "Blessed Jesus" --
Revealing in two words all sorrows, all hope.
And there is the silence of age,
Too full of wisdom for the tongue to utter it
In words intelligible to those who have not lived
The great range of life.
And there is the silence of the dead.
If we who are in life cannot speak
Of profound experiences,
Why do you marvel that the dead
Do not tell you of death?
Their silence shall be interpreted
As we approach them.
Edgar Lee Masters
Blog from 05-28-09
When my girls were very young I took them to all kinds of classes so they could find something they would like to do. They both fell into roller skating just like the proverbial stone. I dreamed of the things they would do, maybe even bring artistic roller skating to the Olympics. Fast forward 25 or so years and darned if they aren't making waves with their skating skills. Of course the waves are all over their opposing teammates who dare get in their way. Watch Out World, there are 2, count'em, TWO, Flat Track Furies in the family as of yesterday. I would like to introduce you to the new Reign of Tara, as well as one of the OG's, sensational Ambruisia. I love the Furies and I am SO glad that I can still keep rooting for my favorite team!!! You girls are Furious!
A Derby Mom
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Begin Again
I started this blog a way long time ago. And when I say started, that's what I mean, started. Nothing more. So now I am starting over. Only in the beginning, I was about to have my first grandchild. Now I am about to have my third.
Oh my, how things can change in a few short years. First of all I am just going to be copying some note/blogs I have posted elsewhere, mostly Myspace and then Facebook. Ever heard of them? Maybe not Myspace. I think in the social networking world Myspace is Beta and Facebook is VHS. Or Myspace is 8 track and Facebook is cassette. Hmmm....before your time? How about Myspace is a cd and Facebook is an Ipod 500. Something like. Ok, enough with the metaphors.
Now I'm tired and I have too much else to do, but I think I will be back soon albeit with old news. See you soon?